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• Please visit the home page of the next international meeting on arginine and pyrimidines, ICAP 2006, taking place in Lund, Sweden in mid-August, 2006:

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee I have the pleasure of inviting you to 10th Symposium of ESSPPMM in Prague. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together workers from many fields who share a common interest in purine and pyrimidine metabolism in Man.

The Symposium is the tenth in the series, which started in 1987 in Chateau d'Oex (Switzerland). The meetings are particularly intended to give European, but also non-European investigators the opportunity to present the results of their most recent work, to exchange ideas and experience with emphasis on active participation by young investigators.

The format of the symposia involves state of the art lectures, shorter oral presentations, poster sessions, workshops, and free time for informal discussions.

We look forward to meeting you in Prague!

Ivan Šebesta
Chairman of the Organizing Committee